10 pack tattoo numbing cream

10 pack tattoo numbing cream

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✅ STOP PAIN - Our Painless Tattoo Numbing Cream relieves pain anywhere it's applied for 3+ hours. (Some say longer)

✅ GET MORE DONE - Get tattooed for longer. Tackle big projects without breaking or tapping. You'll be napping.

✅ RELAX - Imagine not feeling a thing while getting tattooed. We numb. You relax. Art happens.

✅ DOESN'T AFFECT WORK - Neither the stencil or your work is affected.

✅ MULTIPLE USES - As this product is a topical agent and used to numb skin, it can be used for other applications such as laser hair removal, tattoo removal, cosmetic tattooing etc.                                    


1 - Wash and exfoliate the area to be tattooed, lasered or pierced quite thoroughly with soap, water and exfoliator to remove dirt and dead skin this will help the cream penetrate. Dry area completely.

2 - Apply a thick amount of numbing cream (2mm thick) to the area and rub in thoroughly.

3 - Cover with cling film. The heat under the plastic wrap helps activate the cream and keeps the cream from drying out.

4 - Leave cream and wrap in place for 45 minutes before procedure.

5 - After 45 minutes, remove the cling film, wipe the cream away with paper towel and wash thoroughly once more with antibacterial soap. Pat dry and ensure treated area is completely dry. You’re now ready for your pain free tattoo!